

Author and coauthor in 50 publications ; as 1st author in 8 publications.


  • 2016. Phylogeny and Systematics of Leptomyxid Amoebae (Amoebozoa, Tubulinea, Leptomyxida).
    Smirnov A, Nassonova E, Geisen S, Bonkowski M, Kudryavtsev A, Berney C, Glotova A, Bondarenko N, Dyková I, Mrva M, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    Protist, 168 (2) : 220-252.
  • 2009. Rhizamoeba neglecta n. sp. (Amoebozoa, Tubulinea) from the bottom sediments of freshwater Lake Leshevoe (Valamo Island, North-Western Russia), with notes on the phylogeny of the order Leptomyxida.
    Smirnov A, Nassonova E, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    Eur. J. Protistol., 45 (4) : 251-259.
  • 2009. Three new species of deep-sea Gromia (Protista, Rhizaria) from the bathyal and abyssal Weddell Sea, Antarctica.
    Rothe N, Gooday A.J., Cedhagen T, Fahrni J, Hughes AJ, Page A, Pearce RB, Pawlowski J.
    Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 157 (3) : 451-469.
  • 2007. Bipolar gene flow in deep-sea benthic foraminifera.
    Pawlowski J, Fahrni J, Lecroq B, Longet D, Cornelius N, Excoffier L, Cedhagen T, Gooday AJ.
    Mol. Ecol., 16 (19) : 4089-4096.
  • 2006. Tempo and mode of spliceosomal intron evolution in actin of foraminifera.
    Flakowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    J. Mol. Evol., 63 (1) : 30-41.
  • 2006. Phylogenetic position of Multicilia marina and the evolution of Amoebozoa.
    Nikolaev SI, Berney C, Petrov NB, Mylnikov AP, Fahrni JF, Pawlowski J.
    Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. , 56 (Pt 6) : 1449-1458.
  • 2005. The testate lobose amoebae (order Arcellinida Kent, 1880) finally find their home within Amoebozoa.
    Nikolaev SI, Mitchell EAD, Petrov NB, Berney C, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    Protist, 156 (2) : 191-202.
  • 2005. Molecular phylogeny and classification of the lobose amoebae.
    Smirnov A, Nassonova E, Berney C, Fahrni J, Bolivar I, Pawlowski J.
    Protist, 156 (2) : 129-142.
  • 2005. Actin phylogeny of foraminifera.
    Flakowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    The Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 35 (2) : 93-102.
  • 2005. The twilight of sun‐animalcules.
    Nikolaev S, Berney C, Fahrni J, Mylnikov AP, Petrov NB, Pawlowski J.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 52 (2) : 75-275.
  • 2004. How many novel eukaryotic “kingdoms”? Pitfalls and limitations of environmental DNA surveys.
    Berney C, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    BMC biology, 2 : 13.
  • 2004. Multigene evidence for close evolutionary relations between Gromia and Foraminifera.
    Longet D, Burki F, Flakowski J, Berney C, Polet S, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    Acta Protozoologica, 43 (4) : 303-311.
  • 2004. The twilight of Heliozoa and rise of Rhizaria, an emerging supergroup of amoeboid eukaryotes.
    Nikolaev SI, Berney C, Fahrni JF, Bolivar I, Polet S, Mylnikov AP, Aleshin VV, Petrov NB, Pawlowski J.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 101 (21) : 8066-8071.
  • 2004. Molecular phylogenetic analysis places Percolomonas cosmopolites within Heterolobosea: evolutionary implications.
    Nikolaev N, Mylnikov AP, Berney C, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J, Aleshin VV, Petrov NB.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 51 (5) : 575-581.
  • 2004. Small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences of Phaeodarea challenge the monophyly of Haeckel’s Radiolaria.
    Polet S, Berney C, Fahrni J, Pawlowski J.
    Protist, 155 (1) : 53-63.
  • 2003. Phylogeny of lobose amoebae based on actin and small‐subunit ribosomal RNA genes.
    Fahrni JF, Bolivar I, Berney C, Nassonova E, Smirnov A, Pawlowski J.
    Mol. Biol. Evol., 20 (11) : 1881-1886.
  • 2003. Genetic relationships between desmothoracid Heliozoa and Gymnophryid amoebas as evidenced by comparison of the nucleotide sequences of 18S rRNA genes.
    Nikolaev SI, Berney, Fahrni J, Mylnikov AP, Petrov NB, Pawlowski J.
    Doklady Biological Sciences, 393 (1-6) : 553-556.
  • 2003. Small Subunit ribosomal DNA suggests that the Xenophyophorean Syringammina corbicula1 is a foraminiferan
    Pawlowski J, Holzmann M, Fahrni J, Richardson SL.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 50 (6) : 483-487.
  • 2003. Phylogeny of lobose amoebae based on actin and small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes.
    Fahrni JF, Bolivar I, Berney C, Nassonova E, Smirnov A, Pawlowski J.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 20 (11) : 1881-1886.
  • 2003. The evolution of early Foraminifera.
    Pawlowski J, Holzmann M, Berney C, Fahrni J, Gooday AJ, Cedhagen T, Habura A, Bowser SS.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 100(20) : 11494-11498.
  • 2003. Gymnophrys cometa and Lecythium sp. are core Cercozoa: evolutionary implications.
    Nikolaev SI, Berney C, Fahrni J, Mylnikov AP, Aleshin VV, Petrov NB, Pawlowski J.
    Acta Protozoologica, 42 (3) : 183-190.
  • 2003. Original research papers-systematics and evolution-small subunit ribosomal DNA suggests that the Xenophyophorean Syringammina corbicula is a Foraminiferan.
    Pawlowski J, Holzmann M, Fahrni J, Richardson SL.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 50 (6) : 483-487.
  • 2003. The taxonomic position of Klosteria bodomorphis gen. and sp. Nov. (Kinetoplastida) based on ultrastructure and SSU rRNA gene sequence analysis.
    Nikolaev SI, Mylnikov AP, Berney C, Fahrni J, Petrov N, Pawlowski J.
    Protistology, 3 (2) : 126-135.
  • 2002. Phylogeny of allogromiid Foraminifera inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences.
    Pawlowski J, Holzmann M, Berney C, Fahrni J, Cedhagen T, Bowser SS.
    The Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 32(4) : 334-343.
  • 2002. Phylogenetic analysis and genetic diversity of Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira.
    Pawlowski J, Fahrni J, Bowser SS.
    The Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 32 (2) : 173-176.
  • 2002. Molecular data reveal high taxonomic diversity of allogromiid Foraminifera in Explorers Cove (McMurdo Sound, Antarctica).
    Pawlowski J, Fahrni JF, Brykczynska U, Habura A, Bowser SS.
    Polar Biology, 25 (2) : 96-105.
  • 2001. SSU rRNA-based phylogenetic position of the genera Amoeba and Chaos (Lobosea, Gymnamoebia): the origin of gymnamoebae revisited.
    Bolivar I, Fahrni JF, Smirnov A, Pawlowski J.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 18 (12) : 2306-2314.
  • 2001. Molecular identification of algal endosymbionts in large miliolid foraminifera: 1. Chlorophytes.
    Pawlowski J, Holzmann M, Fahrni JF, P Hallock P.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 48 (3) : 362-367.
  • 2001. Molecular identification of algal endosymbionts in large miliolid foraminifera: 2. Dinoflagellates. ⑦
    Pawlowski J, Holzmann M, Fahrni JF, Pochon X, Lee Jj.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 48 (3) : 368-373.
  • 1999. Molecular evidence that Reticulomyxa filosa is a freshwater naked foraminifer.
    Pawlowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni JF, de Vargas C, Bowser SS.
    Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 46 (6) : 612-617.
  • 1999. Naked foraminiferans revealed.
    Pawlowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni J, de Vargas C, Bowser SS.
    Nature, 399 : 27-27.
  • 1997. Actin suggests Miliammina fusca (Brady) is related to porcellaneous rather than to agglutinated foraminifera.
    Fahrni JF, Pawlowski J, Richardson S, Debenay JP, Zaninetti L.
    Micropaleontology, 43 (2) : 211-214.
  • 1997. Extreme differences in rates of molecular evolution of foraminifera revealed by comparison of ribosomal DNA sequences and the fossil record.
    Pawlowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni JF, de Vargas C, Gouy M, Zaninetti L.
    Molecular biology and evolution, 14 (5) : 498-505.
  • 1996. Origin of the Mesozoa inferred from 18S rRNA gene sequences.
    Pawlowski J, Montoya-Burgos JL, Fahrni JF, Wüest J, Zaninetti L.
    Molecular biology and evolution, 13 (8) : 1128-1132.
  • 1996. Phylogeny of the infraorder Culicomorpha (Diptera: Nematocera) based on 28S RNA gene sequences.
    Pawlowski J, Szadziewski R, Kmieciak D, Fahrni J, Bittar G.
    Systematic Entomology, 21 (2) : 167-178.
  • 1996. Early origin of foraminifera suggested by SSU rRNA gene sequences.
    Pawlowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni JF, Cavalier-Smith T, Gouy M.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 13 (3) : 445-450.
  • 1995. DNA analysis of Ammonia beccarii morphotypes : one or more species ?
    Pawlowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni J, Zaninetti L.
    Marine Micropaleontology, 26 : 171-178.
  • 1995. Partial LSU rDNA sequences of Trochammina spp. (Foraminiferida).
    Pawlowski J, Bolivar I, Fahrni J, Zaninetti L, Kitazato H.
    In : Kaminski, M.A. Geroch, S., & Gasinski, M.A. (eds.) 1995. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, Krakow Poland, September 12-1 9, 1993.
    Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication no. 3, pp. 227-232.
  • 1992. Actin in the ciliated protozoan Climacostomum virens : purification by DNase I affinity chromatography, electrophoretic characterrization and immunological analysis.
    Fahrni JF.
    Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton, 22 (1) : 62-71.
  • 1984. Morphologie et ultrastructure de Spirochona gemmipara Stein, 1852 (Ciliophora, Chonotrichida). III. Appareil de fixation chez la larve et l’adulte.
    Fahrni JF.
    J. Protozool., 31 : 221-232.
  • 1983. Morphologie et ultrastructure de Spirochona gemmipara Stein, 1852 (Ciliophora, Chonotrichida). II. Appareil cytoproctal et système excréteur de l’adulte.
    Fahrni JF.
    J. Protozool., 30 : 65-73.
  • 1982. Morphologie et ultrastructure de Spirochona gemmipara Stein, 1852 (Ciliophora, Chonotrichida). I. Structures corticales et buccales de l’adulte.
    Fahrni JF.
    J. Protozool., 29 : 170-184.
  • 1977. Contribution à la connaissance de Spirochona gemmipara Stein (Cilié Chonotriche). Morphologie, ultrastructure, reproduction asexuée et cycle vital.
    Fahrni JF.
  • 1977. Thèse de doctorat. Faculté des Sciences. Université de Lausanne.
  • 1975. Le système excréteur de Spirochona gemmipara Stein (Cilié Chonotriche).
    Fahrni J.
    Rev. Suisse Zool., 82 : 4-5.
  • 1972. Fahrni J. et Guénin HA.
    Quelques observations sur la conjugaison chez Spirochona gemmipara Stein (Cilié Chonotriche).
    Rev. Suisse Zool., 79 : 1687-1690.
  • 1971. Guénin HA. et Fahrni J.
    La structure fine des noyaux lors du bourgeonnement chez Spirochona gemmipara Stein (Cilié Chonotriche).
    Rev. Suisse Zool., 78 : 555-559.